God knows just when to withhold from us any visible sign of encouragement, and when to grant us such a sign. How good of us to trust Him anyway!....would you believe I read this in my devotions this morning.
And today in the snail mail, I received a letter of NON-ACCEPTANCE to the Glitterest application, that I had submitted for the upcoming show in March.This show is where I thought I could sell some of my handbags. I was surprised and dissappointed, but went back and re-read the quote that was meant for me. So what does one do now, but wait and hope that another door will open, after "this one" was shut.
I haven't posted on my blog lately, and when I fianlly do, you get to read about my dissappointment!
Perhaps I should have written something fun, and exciting...
but sometimes the events in life just
What else can I say?
Life goes on, and we trust that the One " who knows the number of hairs
on our head"
also knows what is BEST for us!